About Me

I graduated from the prestigious Princeton Theological Seminary and moved into a minivan. The education was invaluable, but something about the billion dollar endowment and median area home values rubbed up against what I was learning about Jesus’ mission to the world. Was this really my calling? Some life questions are best thought through while shivering on a 24-inch-wide foam mattress.

Over the past 5 years, I have lived in:

  • A dorm room.
  • A full size campervan.
  • A L’Arche community – a home of people with and without developmental disabilities living, eating, playing, and praying together.
  • A boarding school with 22 low-income high school senior boys. As of 2025 this is my current situation, serving students at the Milton Hershey School in central Pennsylvania.

The recent theme of my life is being-with. Spiritual direction is a way of being-with, of sharing life together for a moment of the journey. My desire is to accompany others wherever they may be, and offer what I can to provide companionship, support, and encouragement.

My Qualifications

 I have a Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation from Princeton Theological Seminary. I am theologically and pastorally trained from diverse perspectives to provide sound spiritual care and guidance. I have worked in several church and professional ministry settings in several denominations under direct supervision.

I am fully trained in spiritual direction by Oasis Ministries, completing the 2 year Spiritual Direction for Spiritual Guides program while practicing direction under professional supervision.

I remain in good standing as a member of Spiritual Directors International.

Personal Life

 I was raised as a non-denominational evangelical with charismatic roots. I have come a long way since then: educated at a progressive mainline (Presbyterian) school, I find myself occupying a liminal space between many traditions and values. I desire to meet others where they are at, as opposed to interpreting them through any specific lens. I believe that God is speaking to all, should we take the time to listen. I owe a great debt to the many diverse people around me who have saved me from my less-true self and helped me hear the pulse of life at my core.

I played soccer in college and still remain active with sports. Living with high school students helps! I am also a published finance author and actively trade stocks, bonds, and derivatives. I enjoy nature, I enjoy the city. I am equally at home at elite universities or on the streets. I read, ride a motorcycle, play piano, and scour FaceBook marketplace for good deals and side hustle opportunities.